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How to Create and Play Snake Game on micro:bit

Writer's picture: Apurva BhaleraoApurva Bhalerao

Updated: Mar 4, 2022

Following are the steps for creating snake game in the micro:bit

  1. Click this link

  2. Then click on official code editor Microsoft Make Code to do programming

  3. Then click on New Project and give project name as Snake Game then this window will display

4. Type the program of the snake game in javascript block

JavaScript Code:

function isOnSnake (x: number, y: number) { for (let body of snake) { if (body.x() == x && body.y() == y) { return true } } return false } function moveForward () { dx = dxOffset[direction] px += dx[0] py += dx[1] if (!(validPixelCoordinate(px, py))) { gameOver() } snake.unshift(game.createSprite(px, py)) last = snake.pop() last.delete() } function turnLeft () { direction = (direction + 3) % 4 } function resetGame () { game.setScore(0) score = 0 direction = 0 px = 0 py = 0 for (let s of snake) { s.delete() } snake = initSnake([px, py, px + 1, py]); placeNextApple() game.resume() } input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () { turnLeft() }) function gameOver () { game.setScore(score) game.pause() basic.pause(1000) game.gameOver() } function turnRight () { direction = (direction + 1) % 4 } input.onButtonPressed(Button.AB, function () { resetGame() }) function letComputerPlay () { let x2 = snake[0].x(); let y2 = snake[0].y(); // next distance to apple if moving forward dx2 = dxOffset[direction] nx1 = x2 + dx2[0] ny1 = y2 + dx2[1] dist1 = 9999 if (validPixelCoordinate(nx1, ny1)) { dist1 = Math.abs(nx1 - apple.x()) + Math.abs(ny1 - apple.y()) } // next distance to apple if turning right dx1 = (direction + 1) % 4 dx2 = dxOffset[dx1] nx2 = x2 + dx2[0] ny2 = y2 + dx2[1] dist2 = 9999 if (validPixelCoordinate(nx2, ny2)) { dist2 = Math.abs(nx2 - apple.x()) + Math.abs(ny2 - apple.y()) } // next distance to apple if turning left dx22 = (direction + 3) % 4 dx2 = dxOffset[dx22] nx3 = x2 + dx2[0] ny3 = y2 + dx2[1] dist3 = 9999 if (validPixelCoordinate(nx3, ny3)) { dist3 = Math.abs(nx3 - apple.x()) + Math.abs(ny3 - apple.y()) } if (dist1 <= dist2 && dist1 <= dist3) { // best strategy is moving forward without turning return } else if (dist2 <= dist1 && dist2 <= dist3) { turnRight() } else if (dist3 <= dist1 && dist3 <= dist2) { turnLeft() } } input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function () { turnRight() }) function placeNextApple () { let x, y; do { x = Math.randomRange(0, 4); y = Math.randomRange(0, 4); } while (isOnSnake(x, y)); apple.goTo(x, y); apple.setBrightness(100); } function validPixelCoordinate (nx: number, ny: number) { return nx >= 0 && nx <= 4 && ny >= 0 && ny <= 4 && !(isOnSnake(nx, ny)) } let delay = 0 let dist3 = 0 let ny3 = 0 let nx3 = 0 let dx22 = 0 let dist2 = 0 let ny2 = 0 let nx2 = 0 let dx1 = 0 let dist1 = 0 let ny1 = 0 let nx1 = 0 let dx2: number[] = [] let score = 0 let last: game.LedSprite = null let dx: number[] = [] let dxOffset: number[][] = [] let direction = 0 let py = 0 let px = 0 direction = 1 dxOffset = [ [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1] ] let snake = initSnake([px, py, px + 1, py]); let apple = game.createSprite(2, 2) // when snake grows to 10 pixels, it stops growing // to avoid filling the LED let maxLength = 10 placeNextApple() function initSnake(arr: Array<number>) { let result = []; for (let i = 0; i + 1 < arr.length; i += 2) { result.push(game.createSprite(arr[i], arr[i + 1])); } return result; } basic.forever(function () { if (game.isGameOver()) { return; } delay = Math.max(100, 1000 - score * 50) basic.pause(delay) // letComputerPlay(); moveForward() if (snake[0].isTouching(apple)) { if (snake.length < maxLength) { snake.push(snake[snake.length - 1]) } score += 1 placeNextApple() } })

5. If you have a micro:bit connected into laptop/pc/mobile using USB cable, Click on download button to transfer your code (hex file) and see the result

6. gather your friends and play Game!



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