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10 Things to do with kids at home
Things to do with kids at home. This is a list of 10 things you can do at your home to engage your kids in healthy and positive way.
How to setup a Raspberry Pi Video Streaming Server in 5 Minutes
Raspberry Pi Streaming Video Setup If you do not already have pip installed on your Raspberry Pi, please use this command to install it: sud
How to start learning Embedded Systems : A complete roadmap
A complete guide to get started with learning embedded systems. This is a beginner friendly guide to know everything before starting to lear
Microsoft Azure IoT and Raspberry Pi : Send telemetry data to azure using python
In this video, we’ll see how you can start off with microsoft azure’s IoT hub with raspberry pi. We’ll see how to create an IoT hub in...
DialogFlow : Introduction to AI Chatbot
Dialogflow is also called as API.AI which is Google’s chatbot development framework.
Faster RCNN : Machine Learning Algorithm
This is a quick tutorial on Faster RCNNN a machine learning algorithm widely used in many different applications
Communication between Raspberry Pi and PC using MQTT
Learn how to use mqtt with raspberry pi and write program to perform mqtt communication in python
How to learn PCB Design : Ultimate PCB Design Guidebook you need
PCB Design is the art and science of creating a 2d Design for electronics circuit which can be fabricated on a board.If you’re anyway relate
Send email using Raspberry pi python program
Python program to send emails from raspebrry pi with and without attachments
Python Code for object detection using TensorFlow
Object Detection using Python and Tensorflow machine learning demo code
What is the difference between raspberry pi 3 vs raspberry pi 4
Know whats the difference between Raspeberry pi 3 and Raspberry pi 4
8 Tools you must have for your hobby Electronics Lab
Know about a selection of must have tools for your hobby electronics lab
What is Arduino
Know about what is arduino board what are the different types of the arduino board
DC Power Supply
What is DC Power Supply? All circuits and gadgets and everything that is running on Electrical energy requires some particular Voltage and C
The NuvoTon W78E052D controller Code downloading Steps
In this tutorial series, we are using “Nuvoton ISP-ICP Utility software” to program the target MCU. Download Nuvoton ISP-ICP Utility softwar
LED light emitting diode
LED’s are perhaps the most interesting electronic component that we use in circuit. LED’s are components which can emit a specific light
Every electronic circuit, project or gadget like our mobile phone or the speakers that we use, require electrical power to function. We can
How to use a breadboard
How to use breadboard. This is a detailed breadboard tutorials for all those who are new to electronics and trying to use breadboard for the
LDR Light Dependent Resistors
A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is also called a photoresistor. The passive component is basically a resistor whose resistance value increa
What is Transistor and how to use in switching circuits
Transistor is perhaps the most important of electronic components because of which all modern electronics works.
Speakers come in all shapes and sizes, enabling you to listen to music on your mobile, tablet, laptop and home audio system, enjoy a film at
Resistors are those tiny little electronics components which opposes the flow of electric current. Whenever we try to build a small circuit,
Want to teach programming to your kids? Here’s how you can teach them yourself
Learn how to teach programming to your kids the easy way at the comfort of your home
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